Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Reboot

Yep, you read that right: Atomic Monkey is back! 

Admittedly, the Monkey has been shut down, reloaded, put on hiatus, taken vacations, crammed into cages, and gotten third degree burns from being on the back burner off and on for a few years now. In fact, I don't think I've posted on this blog since, what, 2011? All this goes to show is either that I'm terrible at blogging, or someone needs to invent some sort of day planner soon.

Either way, I think it's time enough for Atomic Monkey to come out of retirement and spread a little bit of randomness out to the world. Why? Well, because the world is full of WAY MORE than just chaos, panic, mother-in-laws and IRS agents. It's also full of...

Stupid dancing!

People wearing cheese on their heads!

Bacon pancakes!

Horses wearing sweaters!

Redneck dogs!

Penguins running!

Llamas with parachutes!

The world is full of those awesome little things just waiting to be discovered!
That's the mission of this blog: bringing the "point out the pointless" mission to the real world. A treasure hunt to dig up the random funny awesomeness that happens all around us every day, and spread a little bit of happiness out to the world. 
Are there other people doing this? Of course! In fact, Atomic Monkey will just be one of thousands and thousands of awesome people out there setting out on this same journey. But the way I see it, the more voices, the better. I think it's time the people of earth got one huge dose of optimism.

So, come back soon for all new posts from Atomic Monkey, and special original series, including:
  • How To Make Things Complicated
  • Six Second Videos
  • Bad Idea of the Week
  • Callisto's Guide to the English Language

    all from yours truly Senor Joaquin and Atomic Monkey's newest staff members, Senor Istachio and El Nino Callisto! 

Peace Out!

1 comment:

  1. I am barfing rainbows in anticipation for Atomic Monkey's new posts. I SIMPLY CANNOT WAIT FOR ALL THE NEWNESS <3
    Seriously, I need you to update this blog, and fast; my rainbows are getting everywhere, man.
