Friday, April 26, 2013

Bad Idea of the Weekend: 4/26-4/28

Happy Friday!!!

It's the start of a new weekend, and we all know what that means...

Bad Idea time! 

Why bad ideas? Let me explain:
All this past week you all have been busting your hump in every imaginable way, whether it's working a nine-to-five job; writing a 15,000 word essay on the history and economics of wooden toilet seats in southeast Asia; keeping a house full of insane toddlers; keeping a house full of insane teenagers; keeping a house full of insane elderly people; or saying cliche phrases like "busting your hump". 
At the end of a week like this, all you're thinking of is collapsing into one of those bathtubs at Home Depot, eating foods covered with fluorescent cheese powder, and hibernating until Monday. But I'm here to say that
weekends are for fun! I don't care how busy you've been this past week: weekends are what memories are made of, and you're about to make a few sweet memories of your own, starting now! 
But first, a little retrospective: what memories truly stand out the most in your brain? I can guarantee you that the answer to that question ain't gonna be "that time I rode my bike" or "that time I swam in the ocean"; those are good ideas, but do those really stand out to you, honestly? More than most likely, you're thinking something like "that time I rode my bike off a ramp and into the ocean"; that's a terrible idea, and one completely awesome memory!!! Now, while I wont be asking you to do extreme stunts like that, I will ask this of you: live a little!
Whether you actually try out these bad ideas or not, try your best to make every weekend count. Spend time with family, relax, and have fun. But I promise you that these bad ideas will take your life up to an 11, and create some awesome memories in the process.

So, without further explanation...

 Here's your Bad Idea of the Weekend:

Start a break-dancing class at the local senior citizens center!
Get that blood pumping and those elders thumping. Just a few hours   in the bingo hall, and you'll have the seniors downrocking and moonwalking in no time. What could possibly go wrong...?

Enjoy your weekend!

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